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17 May — 23 May 2015
The III International competition of opera singers named after P. I. Slovtsov will take place in Krasnoyarsk From May 17 to May 23, 2015.
This creative competition of the vocalists capable to show the talent, talent and skill performed by works, both classical opera repertoire, and romances, work of modern composers of the XX-XXI century.
Professional singers (men and women) aged from 18 till 35 years, having vocational music education, and also students of Musical acadimies and students of colleges of Russia and other countries can take part in competition.
Competitive tests consist of three rounds:
* the first round – selection, carried out on videos (in absentia);
* the second round – solo, accompanied by a piano;
* the third round – duets (fragments of scenes) put by participants of competition of directors "NANO-Opera" accompanied by an orchestra of Krasnoyarsk State opera and ballet theatre.
Participants will be estimated of jury which consists of famous Russian and foreign performers, opera directors and managers of European opera theatres.
Prize fund of competition is 1 200 000 rubles.
First prize of competition: The Grand Prix of P.I. Slovtsov, reward of 300 000 rubles and the winner's rank.
The following awards and prizes are also provided:
* the first award – reward of 200 000 rubles and the winner's rank,
* the second award – reward of 150 000 rubles and the winner's rank,
* the third award – reward of 100 000 rubles and the winner's rank.
18 May, Monday
18.00 – Opening of the exhibition devoted to P. I. Slovtsov (the foyer of the second floor of the theatre)
19.00 – Opening ceremony of the III International competition of opera singers named after P. I. Slovtsov
"Queen of spades" by P. I. Tchaikovsky
19 May , Tuesday
11.00-16.00 – Competitive performances of participating vocalists of the II round
19.00-22.00 – Competitive performances of participating vocalists of the II round
20 May, Wednesday
11.00-15.00 – Competitive performances of participants of the II round
16.00 – Competitive performances of participants of the II round
19.00 – Announcement of the results of the II round of competition
21 May, Thursday
11.00-15.00 – Competitive performances of directors of "NANO-OPERA" with soloists of opera and ballet theatre with the accompanist
19.00 – Premiere of the opera of G. Donizetti "Viva la mamma"
22 May, Friday
19.00 – Competitive performances of participants of the III round, duets, scenes from performances
22.00 – Announcement of results of the III round of competition
23 May , Saturday
18.00 – Closing ceremony of the III International competition of opera singers named after P. I. Slovtsov
Gala concert of winners, soloists of opera and ballet theatre
Cochairmen of jury:
Fiorenza COSSOTTO (Italy)
People's artist of the USSR Vladislav PYAVKO (Russia)
Angelo GABRIYELLI (Italy), director of opera agency "Stage Door"
Peter DWORSKY (the Slovakia), opera singer and teacher
People's artist of Russia Irina DOLZHENKO, soloist of the Bolshoi theatre of Russia
People's artist of the USSR Makvala KASRASHVILI (Russia), soloist of the Bolshoi theatre of Russia
Unyushan KULOGLU (Turkey), soloist of opera and ballet theatre of Ankara
People's artist of Russia Yury STATNIK (Russia), director, teacher
Honored artist of Russia Anatoly CHEPURNOY (Russia), chief conductor and musical director of the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre
The chairman – People's artist of Russia Dmitry BERTMAN (Russia), the artistic director of the Moscow music theatre "Helicon opera"
Honored artist of Russia Sergey BOBROV (Russia), artistic director of the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre
Andreis ZHAGARS (Latvia), director, teacher
Damian IORIO (Italy – Great Britain), the conductor
The honored worker of arts of Russia Georgy ISAAKYAN (Russia), the artistic director of the Moscow children's musical theatre of N. Sats
Neema KUNINGAS (Estonia), production director