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Attention! The theatre has been suspended!

Dear spectators, due to the alarming increase in COVID-19 cases, the administration of the Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre decided to suspend performances until November 11, 2020.

To the theatre staff’s deepest regrets, the performances of October that aroused great audience interest (ballet Juno and Avos by Alexei Rybnikov on October 24 and 25, concert-journey Around the World in 80 Minutes on October 24) have been cancelled.

Keep your tickets! When the epidemic situation gets less tense and the theatre reopens its doors to the public, the same admission tickets will be valid for all the performances of the 2020 repertoire.

If you nevertheless decide to return the tickets, you may do it at the box office if you purchased tickets at the theatre. The ticket office will be open during the week (starting from October 23, 2020). Ticket offices are open daily from 10:00 till 20:00, the phone number is 227-86-97.

If you bought tickets via www.krasbilet.ru, www.krasticket.ru, www.kassy.ru, www.kassir.ru, you may return them via these sites. If you bought tickets on the theatre’s website, you need to send a letter from the mail indicated at the order to the address help@edinoepole.ru of the following content: “I ask you to refund the money for the order # (indicate the order number) purchased in (indicate the theatre/club/organizer or another), for the reason (indicate the reason).” The entire cost of the order will be transferred to the account the payment for a ticket was made from within 5-7 days, depending on your bank’s conditions.

Inquiries by phone 227-86-97 (the theatre’s box office).