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Congratulating Alexandra Cherpakova!


The opera soloist Alexandra Cherpakova won the 46th Russian Review Contest of Vocal Graduates of Music High Schools!

The competition was held at the St.Petersburg Conservatory on April 17 – 21, 2018. More than 70 students from 18 music high schools of Russia took part in it.

Vocal graduates performed in front of the public, representatives of concert organizations and a jury chaired by People's Artist of the USSR, Chairman of the Council for Vocal Art at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Irina Bogacheva, head of the Solo Singing Department of the St.Petersburg Conservatory.

“This victory is very important for me because the competition sums up the training of vocalists. To become a laureate of the show is a real happiness for every vocal student”, - says Alexandra Cherpakova, - “For me, this victory is a kind of gratitude to my teachers and especially to Vera Pavlovna Baranova. For five years she has taken great pains in teaching me, and now I can make her happy with my victories”.

The competition was closed with the Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference dedicated to improving the pedagogical and performing skills in the field of vocal art and the voice training, as well as with the gala concert of the laureates, accompanied by the Grand Symphony Orchestra of the St.Petersburg Conservatory’s Opera and Ballet Theatre on the stage of the St.Petersburg State Academic Chapel.