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Krasnoyarsk citizens became the winners of the All-Russian ballet competition

The names of winners of the All-Russian competition of ballet dancers and choreographers are told. In the nomination "Modern Dance at Musical Theatre" all three soloists of the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre participating in the competition final took prizes. We congratulate!

competition of ballet dancersAt the senior age group the I award – Ekaterina Bulgutova, the II award – Dmitry Antipov and the III award – Yury Kudryavtsev. At the final on court of jury Ekaterina Bulgutova and Yury Kudryavtsev presented the duet from A. Machavariani's ballet "Othello", and Dmitry Antipov – choreographic miniature of "Carpe diem".

Not less convincingly proved to be also students of the Krasnoyarsk choreographic college. In younger age group the I award Elena Svinko and the II award – Anna Amelchenko.

To see winners of the All-Russian competition of ballet dancers and choreographers will be possible already very soon at P. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The swan lake"! On December 10 Ekaterina Bulgutova and Yury Kudryavtsev will perform parts of Odilliya and the prince Siegfried, and on December 9 and 10 Dmitry Antipov – Benno's party, the friend of the prince.