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Orchestra musicians of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre won The Rhythms of Inspiration competition

The interregional performing arts competition among teachers and accompanists The Rhythms of Inspiration took place in Krasnoyarsk in early December. Musicians of the orchestra of the Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre Dmitri Kosolapov, Olga and Stanislav Spiridonovs took part in it and won the Grand Prix.

Teachers from educational institutions present their performing skills in The Rhythms of Inspiration competition organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Region. The orchestra's artists successfully combine work in the Theatre with teaching: Dmitri - at the Music School No.16, Olga and Stanislav - at the Ivanov-Radkevich Krasnoyarsk College of Arts.

Each contender had to show the competition commission a 15-minute programme consisting of two works of different genres. Olga Spiridonova (violin) and Dmitri Kosolapov (violin) performed the Concerto for two violins in D minor by Johann Sebastian Bach and the tango Jalousie by Jacob Gade (accompanied by Svetlana Mikhaliova) and received the Grand Prix in the category Ensemble Performance. Stanislav Spiridonov presented two concertos for double bass – in F sharp minor by Sergei Koussevitzky and in D major by Johann Baptist Wanhal (accompanied by Svetlana Mikhaliova) and won the Grand Prix in the category Instrumental Performance.

The Rhythms of Inspiration competition is held once every two years. Its goal is to preserve and develop the traditions of academic music art and promote the best performing practices of teachers and accompanists in children's art schools and cultural professional educational organizations.