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"Prisoner of the Caucasus" in Moscow

Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater will participate at the II All-Russian Festival of Musical Theatres "See the Music", which will be held in Moscow.

See the MusicOn November 14, our artists will present to the capital public one of the last premieres of Caesar Cui's opera "Prisoner of the Caucasus ", the show will be held at the Moscow State Academic Children's Musical Theatre named after Natalia Sats and will be the final event of the festival.

This year the festival will be held from September 26 to November 14. Its founders are the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Association of Musical Theatres of Russia. The participants will be theatres from different regions of Russia, which will show works of different styles and genres. At the festival billboard more than 30 performances - operas and operettas, ballets and musicals, musical tragedies and lyrical scenes. The program is designed in such way that it will be interesting to a wide audience - from connoisseurs of art to young spectators, who are just starting to get acquainted with the musical theatre.

The shows will take place at the best opera stages of the capital: the Bolshoi Theatre,the Moscow theatre named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko , the New Opera, Helikon Opera, the Chamber Music Theatre named after Pokrovsky and the Moscow State Academic Children's Music Theatre named after Natalia Sats.

The detailed program of the II All-Russian Festival of Music Theatres "See theMusic" is available on the website www.amuzteatr.ru.