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One of the most outstanding works of Giacomo Puccini on the Krasnoyarsk scene. At the end of the 37th creative season the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre, on the 25th and 26th of June presents the repremyer of the opera "Toska". This is the history about the flaring and tragic love of the artist Kavaradossi and the singer Toska.
For the first time the Krasnoyarsk viewer saw "Toska" in 1994 directed by the winner of the State award and the award of Lenin Komsomol of Belarus Vyacheslav Tsyupa. This performance became the first at the Krasnoyarsk opera which sounded on original language – Italian, being followed by synchronous titres. And now, many years later, V. Tsyupa decided to return to this staging.
"Earlier "Toska" went in three acts, in historical suits of the XIX century, the era of Napoleonic wars. In the resumed staging design won't change, – the production director tells. – But from the premiere passed more than twenty years, the new generation of soloists came to the troupe, and in me myself during this time something changed, it will be another performance. And, first of all, in its internal reconsideration. The old ideas I will make more relief. Earlier I liked to change clothes of heroes for modern suits, artists did the corresponding design – and already from external expression certain interpretation was born. Now it is more interesting to me more difficult motivations. Not important, during what time there is the action, the main thing that in soul of heroes, what them moves, pushes on strong acts. It seems to me, and it takes public more strongly, than simply bright show. Because all these passions are inherent in people at all times".
The separate attention is deserved by brightly expressional music of Puccini. Passionate, gusty, unrestrained Toska, noble, courageous, romantically - pensive Kavaradossi, spiteful, artful and cruel Skarpia – three bright images which are expressively embodied in music. Each of three main parties is extremely expressive and demands vocal and scenic skill.
As for scenery, they are unique and for this reason will remain are invariable. "Now it is seldom possible to meet hand-written scenery with such "detailed" painting, – Vyacheslav Tsyupa speaks. – Because it is a peculiar culture and big test for production shops. Besides the culture of such artists already, unfortunately left. I hope that the scenery of "Toska" will become feature of this performance, certain business card because now many theatres go to multimedia, after all it is simpler to print a banner or to start up a video series on the screen".