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The concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Boris Ryauzov to take place in the Krasnoyarsk Opera House

The Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre will host the performance concert Boris Ryauzov. The River of Life”. The event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding artist of Siberia will be held on October 9. Tickets are already available at the box office and on the theatre website.

The performance concert will depict historical milestones and twists in the fate of the artist, a true citizen of Russia, a patriot of Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Region.

- Boris Ryauzov is a significant figure for the culture of the Krasnoyarsk Region. He was a gifted artist and writer at the same time. Artists of the Pushkin Krasnoyarsk Drama Theatre are going to quote excerpts from the diaries that will let the audience know the thoughts and feelings of the artist,” said Vyacheslav Tsyupa, the director and scriptwriter of the performance. - “Favorite works of Boris Ryauzov will be performed by the Krasnoyarsk Opera House’s ballet and opera artists and symphony orchestra conducted by Honoured Artist of Russia Anatoly Chepurnoy, as well as by a unique team - the Siberian male choir of the Krasnoyarsk cultural and historical centre Uspensky. The choir is the winner of various international and national competitions.”

Boris Ryauzov was born in the Astrakhan Region; he and his family moved to Krasnoyarsk in 1941. The artist had lived there for more than 50 years, and Siberia became another homeland of his. He created many works about nature, people, the history of the city and the region. His work has been successfully exhibited in galleries and exhibition halls around the world. Boris Yakovlevich Ryauzov is included in the International Art Rating (the world rating of artists of the 18th-21st centuries who formed the world artistic heritage).