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Birthday – on October 6
In 2005 she graduated the Krasnoyarsk choreographic college and the same year she wasinvited in ballet troupe of the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre.
Repeatedly as a part of ballet troupe I represented theater in Great Britain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Mexico.
The performed parts:
Conchita — "Juno and Avos" of A. Rybnikov
Sylph — H. Lyovenskold's "Sylph"
Kitri — "Don Quixote" of L. Minkus
Juliette — "Romeo and Juliette"of S. Prokofiev
Gamzatti, Nikiya — "Bayadere" L. Minkusa
Antigone — "Oedipus's Daughter" of M. Pekarsky
Mari — P. Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker"
Carmen — Zh. Bizet's "Carmen"
Mirta, Giselle — A. Adan's "Giselle"
Phrygia — A. Khachaturian's "Spartakus"
Fortuna, or the Goddess of destiny, the Bride — "Carmina Burana" of K. Orff
Antigone — M. Pekarsky's "Antigone"
Aurora — "The sleeping beauty" of P. Tchaikovsky
Odetta-Odilliya — "The swan lake" of P. Tchaikovsky
Anyuta — V. Gavrilin's "Anyuta"
Pakhita — L. Minkus's "Pakhita"
Lisa — " Vain precaution"of P. Gertel
Tao Hoa — "Red poppy" of R. Gliere
Klitemnestra — R. Strauss's "Electra"
Katerina — "The stone flower" of S. Prokofiev
20 February, 22 February
The winner of regional theatre review competition "The sun of season" in the nomination "The Best Female Debut in Musical Performance" for execution of parties of the Sylph in the ballet of the same name of H. Lyovenskold and Kitri in L. Minkus's ballet "Don Quijote" (2006);
The II award of the All-Russian competition of ballet dancers of G. Ulanova (2008);
The letter of thanks of the Ministry of culture of the Krasnoyarsk territory for active participation in the organization and holding the I All-Russian forum "Ballet XXI Century" (2010);
Winner of the regional festival "Theatre Spring-2013" in the nomination "The Best Female Role in Ballet Performance" for Katerina's role in the ballet of S. Prokofiev "The stone flower" (2013).