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A string quartet will, for the first time, take part in the Orchestra Formula cycle

The next concert of the educational cycle Orchestra Formula is to take place on January 27. The new string quartet of the Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre will perform at it for the first time.

The Orchestra Formula project was conceived in order to introduce to opera and ballet fans those who are hidden from the audience in the orchestra pit. Regular visitors of the project's concerts already know the soloists Dmitri Kosolapov (violin), Olga Spiridonova (violin), Polina Sokur (viola), and Timur Kolodiazhny (cello) very well. But now, these orchestra musicians will take the stage as part of a new creative unit. Within the quartet, they have already performed in the children’s project of the theatre Muzykalnaya Shkatulka (Music Box) performing excerpts from Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s Children’s Album arranged for string instruments.

The Orchestra Formula programme only includes two works - two remarkable samples of this genre. The name of the concert was taken from Slavic Quartet by Alexander Glazunov (String Quartet No. 3 in G major); the String Quartet No. 1 in A minor by Dmitri Kabalevsky will also be performed.

Formed in the 19th century, the genre of string quartets became a popular art form for playing music at home and gradually conquered concert venues. Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms, Borodin, Tchaikovsky, Schoenberg, Shostakovich used to write in this genre ... The soloists of the orchestra of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre will introduce these music treasures to the audience during their future concerts. The programmes are expected to be interesting and diverse, they’ll also include new versions of works created for orchestra or other chamber instrumental ensembles.

“In a string quartet, the level of responsibility is much greater than in an orchestra. A quartet is a complex ensemble organization where four people must not only play but breathe as one. Each musician should be heard, and at the same time each one should flow into other musicians' sound. Play in one stroke, one nuance - think and feel the same. And this is the difficulty. In such a small chamber ensemble, teamwork and a unified music idea are more crucial than ever. In order that it could appear, sometimes you have to argue and ultimately come to some common denominator,” explained Dmitri Kosolapov, accompanist of the orchestra of the Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre.