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Happy Victory Day!

On this day, we remember those who at the cost of their lives defended our Fartherland. Who died at the nazi dungeons, who resisted the fascist invasion at the front, at partisan detachments, who worked for the great victory in the rear. We remember and honor.

In memory of those tragic events of our history, the Krasnoyarsk opera and ballet theater presents several events at these days. On May 6 and 7, the performance of the Moscow provincial theatre on the story of Victor Astafiev "Merry Soldier" will be presented on our stage. In the main role - Boris Galkin, artistic director of the production is Sergei Bezrukov. The show was made possible with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk territory, PJSC “Polyus” and the Victor Astafiev’s Foundation.

And on May 9 in the concert program "The Last Bow" the favorite music of the war years will sound. Performances by the soloists of the theatre Darya Ryabinko, Anna Kiseleva, Sergei Osovin, Yevgeny Baldanov, Kira Tikhonova, Alexander Murashov, Alexander Mikhalev, Larisa Marzoyeva and others will feature the songs "Because we are pilots", "We need one victory", "Dark Night" "Cranes", "Tenderness", "Smuglyanka", "In the forest front-line", "My dear", "Katyusha" and many others.