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May 2024: opera debuts

The artists of the Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre continue to add new roles to their creative baggage.

Modest Mussorgsky's opera Boris Godunov has recently been staged at the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre: the premiere performances took place in November 2023. On May 5, this production will feature the debut performance of a young artist, a trainee of the opera company, baritone singer Yuri Zabolotnov: he will sing the part of the Duma clerk Andrei Shchelkalov.

The production of Pyotr Tchaikovsky's opera Eugene Onegin has been in the repertoire of the Krasnoyarsk Opera House for more than five years; and new performers keep on joining its cast. The festive evening on May 9 will be especially important for Aliona Zafran: her debut as Tatyana in Eugene Onegin is significant for any soprano singer. There will also be debut roles for the young singers performing the part of the landowner Larina – sopranos Anna Kiseliova (on May 8) and Svetlana Cheremnova (on May 9).

On May 8, the guest artist, soloist of the Krasnoyarsk ensemble Tebe Poyom, mezzo-soprano Elena Nikutina will appear on the stage of the Theatre for the first time as nanny Filipyevna in Eugene Onegin.