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Opera "thriller"

Very soon Krasnoyarsk citizens will see one of the best creations of L. Kerubini –opera "Medea". The Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre will become the second theatre in Russia in which repertoire there will be this performance. The premiere will take place on the 5th and the 6th of November.

"Medea"This work is considered one of the brightest in world opera repertoire, it repeatedly put on the most known scenic platforms. However, because of complexity of vocal and drama execution of the main party, not all theatres are able to afford to have this performance in repertoire. 

According to the plot based on Ancient Greek myths, Medea makes awful crime – kills her children. Nevertheless, in interpretation of the production director of the performance Maria Tikhonova (Moscow) there is no unequivocal condemnation of the heroine. The main issue over which the audience should reflect: what pushes Medea on this terrible step? Who is she - a criminal or the victim of fatal circumstances?.

Nearly a month in workshops hard at work– scenery are made and suits are sewed. "We decided to leave from display of authentic Greece and stopped on graphic, laconic registration, – Maria Tikhonova tells. – All suits and scenery are decided so that in them Greece will be read. In the first act the sea subject prevails, further action is transferred to the temple – all designs as in "Lego", are reconstructed, gather in a different way. But all this will look abstractly, but not literal Ancient Greece because public has to excite not the scene of action, but the plot and the main character ".

Besides, in the performance will be used the video which will add staginess and visual effects, and thanks to light projections, the viewer will see the game of shadows.

"A lot of things in the opera are constructed on keynotes, it helps to build action. In the performance there will be a rigid subject framework, the accurate psychological line and symbolical sheaves, – the production director speaks. – The noticeable role in staging is also played by mythology: characters who aren't present in the opera – an eriniyas and moiras. Moiras spin destiny threads, decide destinies both gods, and people. And eriniyas according to myths are three, but the idea comes to me that they  are not simply goddesses of revenge, but paranoia, collective image and therefore they gradually will start being multiplied, strengthen. All this will be solved through choreography, it is staged by the young ballet master, the winner of the international competitions Dmitry Antipov".

"Medea" is a large-scale staging in which except soloists of the opera, chorus and ballet troupe, also the Model children's opera studio of theatre is also occupied, young actors will play roles of Medea's sons.