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The premiere of the children's cycle Music Box to be held in January

On January 14, Old New Year Day, the Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre invites spectators to the first event of the children's project Music Box.

An educational and entertaining series of concerts planned to be held bimonthly will introduce the basics of music culture to children and adults. The project is designed for children between 4 and 8 years old, but no one will get bored: it’ll be a funny immersive (implying the active participation and involvement of the audience) event.

“We dedicate the Music Box #1 to one of the most beautiful and touching works about the soul of a child - Children’s Album by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. The composer created this cycle comprising 24 short and simple pieces for piano in 1878 and dedicated it to his six-year-old nephew Volodya. The pieces told about emotions and impressions, the joys and sorrows of children's life in the 19th century, as Peter Ilyich knew it. The kids will listen to the music and learn a lot of interesting facts, they also will sing, dance, march, collect snowflakes, and even help musicians play musical instruments. The foyer where the concert will take place will be transformed: a cozy, homely atmosphere will be created there,” said author, director, and hostess of the project Yulia Kulakova.

The highlight of the concert will be the unusual interpretation of the Children's Album: it’ll be performed not in the original piano version but in an arrangement for string quartet performed by soloists of the orchestra of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre - music director of the project Dmitri Kosolapov (violin), Olga Spiridonova (violin), Polina Sokur (viola), Timur Kolodyazhny (cello).  The programme includes 14 fragments of the Children’s Album.

The creators of the concert promise: there will also be a real music box. But what is hidden in it is still a secret.