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Birthday – on May 26
In 2011 Krasnoyarsk choreographic college. It is the same year accepted in troupe of Krasnoyarsk opera and ballet theater.
As a part of ballet troupe of theater I took part in tours to Great Britain and Turkey.
The performed parts:
Friends — "In marriage невтерпеж, or Vain precaution" P. Gertelya
Friends — "Koppeliya, or the Girl with enamel eyes" L. Delibes
Rotbart — "The swan lake" of P. Tchaikovsky
The mouse king, the Spanish dance — P. Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker"
Four gentlemen — "The sleeping beauty" of P. Tchaikovsky
Crassus — A. Khachaturian's "Spartak"
The two of soloists — "Antigone" on M. Pekarsky's music
29 March