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1 picture. The area in Putivle
The prince Igor gathers in the campaign for Cumans. The people solemnly glorify the prince. Suddenly the earth is shrouded by a gloom — the solar eclipse begins. Seeing in it a bad omen, the people and boyars dissuade Igor from the campaign, begs the prince to remain and his wife Yaroslavna. But Igor is unshakable. It conducts the team on fight with the enemy. And he leaves the beloved wife on care of her brother Vladimir Galitsky.
2 picture. Galitsky's yard
Galitsky, having used Igor's departure, drinks and commits excesses. Skula and Eroshka boss over the dissolute feast running from Igor's troops. Galitsky cherishes dream to sit down in Putivle. He in every possible way oppresses inhabitants, kidnaps girls.
3 picture. Yaroslavna's chambers
Protection against the impudent offender the girls are looked for at Yaroslavna. But, despite all the determination and hardness, the princess is not in forces to cope with the brother. Boyars bring a bad message: in unequal fight all array lay down, Igor is wounded. He is taken prisoner together with his son Vladimir, and hordes of polovets approach Putivl. The disturbing alarm announces enemy invasion.
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4 picture. Polovetsky camp
Battle field. Igor and Vladimir are surrounded. From now they are captives. Khan Kongchak celebrates the victory. But also in the heat of war there is a place for love. Young Vladimir and the daughter of the khan Konchakovna fell in love with each other at first sight.
Polovetsky girls with songs and dancings try to entertain Konchakovna, however all her thoughts of the young prince. In heavy thought Igor: faithful Ovlur offers him escape. Igor dreams to escape from captivity, but ought not the Prince to escape secretly
Vladimir in love dreams of young Konchakovna. They manage to meet and make a declaration of love each other. But hostility of fathers exists between them!
Hang Kongchak is delighted with Igor's courage. Even he is ready to release him, if Igor will give the word not to take up arms against polovets. Igor honestly declares that, having found freedom, again will collect regiments against the khan. Cunning Kongchak accepts Igor as a guest. He orders to slaves to sing and dance to disseminate prince's gloomy thoughts.
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5 picture. Tent of the prince Igor
Wounds healed up, but mental anguish doesn't pass. Igor reports to Vladimir about the decision to escape. Konchakovna overhears conversation. She begs prince not to abandon her. Love in Vladimer's soul fights against call of duty. Then Konchakovna awakes the sleeping camp and detains darling. Igor manages to escape. The angered Cumansdemand death of prince, but Konchak declares Vladimir his son-in-law.
6 picture. Putivl
Рано утром на городской стене горько плачет Ярославна. Она смотрела во все глаза в надежде на возвращение Игоря. Вдалеке показаны всадники. Это Игорь в сопровождении Овлура. Видно, князь ошарашил Скулу и Ерошку. Находчивый Скула предлагает ударить в колокол, чтобы первым оповестить народ о возвращении Игоря. На радостях прощаются гудошники. Вместе с народом они приветствуют принца! И только Галицкий прячется в толпе.