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Anna Zharova to hold a creative meeting with young dancers

Artistic Director of the ballet company of the Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, People's Artist of Russia Anna Zharova will meet with students of the Krasnoyarsk Choreography College. Members of the regional dance groups and students of sports classes close to the aesthetics of ballet (figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics) will also take part in the conversation.

She will tell the students about her artistic journey, why she gave her life to ballet, what is needed to achieve success in dance art, dispel some myths about ballet and dancers, share her experience and secrets of skill, and answer questions.

During the meeting, Anna Alexandrovna will hold a quiz and present impressive prizes to the winners: a certificate for participation in a master class, autographed ballet shoes, an invitation ticket to a show at the Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre. Young artists and athletes will have the chance to learn about ballet company’s plans and get acquainted with the theatre’s productions.

Let us remind you that Anna Zharova has been working as Artistic Director of the Krasnoyarsk ballet company since May 2023. Prima ballerina of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre performed dozens of leading roles in classical and contemporary ballets; she herself choreographed ballet productions. Anna Alexandrovna is a three-time winner of the Golden Mask award, she won the Soul of Dance award in the category Star and many other professional awards. She created her own ballet school for children and adults “Firebird” in Novosibirsk. On the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, she sang the title role in Valery Gavrilin's ballet Anyuta and performed at the gala concert opening the 46th Theatre’s season.