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Vladimir Yefimov

People's artist of Russia

Birthday – on August 4

He was born in 1944. In 1972 he graduated from the Ural state conservatory named after M.P. Mussorgsky. In student's years he started acting actively: he sang with an orchestra of philharmonic hall, he gave solo concerts. He became the winner of the festivals and competitions which are taking place in Sverdlovsk. After the graduation of conservatory he was invited at the Sverdlovsk academic opera and ballet theatre where with success he worked some seasons. For opera parties of Zhermon, Figaro, Yelets was awarded by diplomas, and for the party Kiazo is marked out by the Minister of Culture of the USSR. He was invited to Moscow for participation in government concerts in the Kremlin Palace, the Bolshoi theatre, concert hall "Russia".

Since 1979 – the soloist of the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre.

He executed more than three hundred solo concerts over all country. The actor was clapped by the audience at the most prestigious theatres and concert halls of the country and abroad. Repeatedly he acted on the Central television of the country. He participated in Days of culture of the Russian Federation in Yugoslavia, Armenia, Ukraine, Estonia, Kazakhstan, and also in Days of culture of the USSR in Mongolia, India, Sweden, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica and other countries. He went on tour in Switzerland, Greece, Yugoslavia, Sweden, Germany, India, the USA, Mexico, adequately presenting the Krasnoyarsk territory and Russia in various international projects. In 2013 as the invited soloist he participated in the festival named after F. Shalyapin in Kazakhstan.

In 1994 he debuted in Yakutsk opera theatre as the production director, having submitted J. Verdi's opera "Traviata". In 2011 he became the production director of the opera P. Mascagni "Rural honor" at the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre. He is fond of painting.

In 2005 he was elected the corresponding member of Petrovsky academy of Sciences and arts. Conducts vigorous teaching activity, many years professor was the head of the department of solo singing and opera preparation of the Krasnoyarsk academy of music and theatre (since 2008). Enters into council for vocal art at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.



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Ближайшие спектакли

25 September


Award of arts of the German Democratic Republic "Silver medal" (1966);

The certificate of honor of the Government of the country for performances in the Bolshoi theatre at the concert to the 100 anniversary of the All-Russian theatre society (1983);

"Silver medal" of the Exhibition of achievements of the national economy of the USSR (1988);

Silver medal "Service for the Benefit of Krasnoyarsk" (2008);

The certificate of honor of the Government of the country for performances in the Kremlin palace at the concert to the 100 anniversary of the All-Russian choral society (2011), etc.