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On February 5 on the scene of the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre will sound one of the most outstanding creations of Giuseppe Verdi – the Requiem. This work will become continuation of the program of the VII International festival "Parade of Stars in Opera".
The VII International festival "Parade of Stars in Opera" opened! And G. Verdi's opera "Aida" will become the first performance in the festival poster. Its display will take place on February 2 at 19.00.
On January 31 at the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre will open the VII International festival "Parade of Stars in Opera" devoted to the people's artist of the USSR Galina Vishnevskaya the 90 anniversary since the birth of which is celebrated in 2016.
From January 31 to March 30 will pass the VII International festival "Parade of Stars at the Opera" at the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre. It will be devoted to the people's artist of the USSR Galina Vishnevskaya the 90 anniversary since the birth of which is celebrated in 2016.
The Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre became even more available to public. Now our performances can visit with comfort also physically disabled people. Especially for this category of the audience necessary conditions for their independent movement on theatre are created.
Since January 16, on Saturdays, in evening air of Russia K TV channel – the premiere of new season of the Big Ballet project. Part in it was taken by the leading soloists of the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre Ekaterina Bulgutova and Yury Kudryavtsev.
There was not enough time before the start of the VII International festival "Parade of Stars in Opera" and we continue to acquaint with participants of this large-scale musical event. Today we represent without whom any performance or a concert doesn't do – maestro who subdued the best theatrical stages of the world. This year in "Parade" eight eminent conductors accept participation.
Dear friends! Happy New Year and Christmas!
The Kultura TV channel submits a series of movies about heads of the ballet troupes of theatres "Portrait in the Interior of the Theatre" within the Big Ballet project. On January 14 at 23:10 will take place the display of the documentary about the artistic director of the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre, honored artist of Russia Sergey Bobrov.
On January 16, 2016 starts display of the long-awaited project "The Big Ballet" on Kultura TV channel. Part in the project was taken by soloists of the Krasnoyarsk state opera and ballet theatre Ekaterina Bulgutova and Yury Kudryavtsev. Programs will weekly air on Saturdays at 20.30. Leaders – Ilsee Liepa and Andreys Zhagars.